Category Archives: Reddit Fallout Network Discord Trash

Elundis7 – On Market76 Trying to stir up drama and lies – SinisterHands Friends

Oh my.,.. careful now.

Don’t get caught up in the wrong crowd, Elundis7.  So – is it SinisterHand who is your friend?

Is it Dawns_Elegy?

Is it one of these other griefers?

Who convinced you to come to my discord to spy on me, and cause drama on Market 76 Discord?

They set you up.

Here’s why:

Oh the mod that called me a liar? Here, check this link about zeekx – I’m gonna put some neat stuff there soon, and there’s already lots of stuff there. I didn’t actually post on HIS twitter though. I did ask the Reddit Network owner why his mods were lying – and asked about zeekx by name, since he called me a liar – but I don’t even know zeeks twitter. Do you have it? I can show you full links on twitter that are JUST public links – yes, I ask about him by name – he used MY name though, and called me a liar. That’s only fair. Never once posted on his twitter 11 times in 3 hours. Please research this issue before making false claims :)

Let’s continue though.

Nope, no evidence at all of any griefing, right? Stop the harassment please. And stop stalking me – this feels like a creepy SinisterHand thing.

UPDATE: OH HEY: This trash is on Reddit Fallout Network, too! Oh my let’s see if he’s stupid enough to say something stupid there!

Totally. No. Harassment of me going on thought, right? ZeekxSinisterHand? Dawns Elegy?


Update; Now since he wants to bother me on Discord: Here’s my answer. Now I’ve blocked you and your stalker troll friends, please go away:

Any friend of that creepy toxic youtuber SinisterHand – is no friend of mine. Ever. Go away.

Update Sept 8 2019: Here’s this trash on Market 76 with the other troll griefers. He steals the bags of the dead, and is sad that soon he won’t be able to.

What a scumbag. How about working for it? How about playing the game? How about not being scum?

Zeekx – sigh – why call me a liar? Griefer Mod of Reddit Fallout Network Discord

Oh ho… are rules very important to you now? Now that you finally clawed your way to a position of power on Reddit Fallout Network Discord? Oh, I remember a time when they weren’t…

I remember a time you spent an hour trying to convince all of that Reddit Fallout Network Discord that it was morally okay to harass and bother people solely because they dared to stream video. That was the only reason you needed. You were so messed up, you thought this was normal, and tried to convince a whole discord. Spent an awful long time doing, it no less. Disgusting person.

Another time you admitted that you do enjoy taking the bags from the dead at sheep events.. which, yeah, I get – some people are okay with – others think it’s kind of slimy, and trolly – and the sign of a troll griefer.

But why call me a liar? Anyway – kind of offensive. Oh, right, I know why – because you support griefers – you yourself are one – well, by at least a loose defintion – but many of your friends are griefers – who once threatened that lawsuit. And you and the new mods on Reddit Fallout Network also always supported that Creepy SinisterHand  – not biased though, right? Oh I’ve got some screenshots :)

How can you even look at yourself in the mirror without realizing video proof is right in front of you? Always was – but you hated me so much. Ah well. Thought you always tried to pretend to be smart… well, more video proof of stuff that has no basis in reality soon!

Let’s start with these – do any of these harassment videos look like there’s no basis in reality?

So that’s what I’d like to know Zeekx… why would you call me a liar?

My, that stone throwing ability of yours.. let’s add this – some people don’t care – some people think only scummy griefers do it. Here’s you not only admitted you steal the bags of the dead, but using that fact and insinuating that you’d love to do it to me. Of course. Gee, totally no bias, right, Zeekx and Reddit Fallout Network Discord?

Better start deleting those logs, zeekx… er… no, wait, I took these screenshots months ago – oh you poor thing. You’re in for a bad time.

Reddit Fallout Network Discord – Wekomat – the mod who breaks their rules, spreads drama, and causes problems

Oh, I’ve got so much more…. hold on to your hats Reddit Fallout Network Discord  – remember when you banned me because… I… didn’t answer your highnesses quick enough while I was streaming?

Here’s the first in my new series – Why do Corrupt fools who don’t play the game run Reddit Fallout Network Discord

Oh, wait till you see what else he did… and some others… oh my…. We’ll save that for later though… it’s late on a Friday afternoon, and I’m tired from fighting trolls all day… we’ll start with this… some of them supported this nasty Sinister Hand though. Disgusting people. Actually came to my private server to try to tell me how I could act there. How fucked up is that?