Category Archives: likeastone.109551

The Stalkers at kiwifarms figured it out

Oh, I won’t be killing myself – ever – I’ve actually already talked to the police, as well. It sounds like I’ll be talking to them more, since you people are absolutely psychotic stalkers who have swatted a major streamer recently. You’re damned right I’m talking to the police. If I’m ever hurt, it will be because of harassment coming from this hate site – that shares my home address, lies about me, and incites others to harass me.

This is a simple wordpress site, compiling information from public sources – I make backups of it daily, and it’s set up to be easily portable – upload a wordpress database, and you’re done. I’ll be sharing all this info forever, really. And whatever I can find publicly about any of you in the future, I guess.

Or  you could stop using a right-wing hate site to doxx me, lie about me, and incite others to harass me, that’d also work for me.

I may not know too much about  you yet, but I sure know a lot about other people in that thread – some of it posted already, since it’s public, and more to come – you should back off, this isn’t really about  you, is it?




likeastone.109551 – racist transphobic kiwifarms doxxer

This one sure likes the racist slurs – and looks like he not only admits to being part of the group that doxxed ‘keffals’ – and her friends, and a bunch of other streamer moderators – he takes pleasure in it, and wants keffals to kill herself. These kiwifarm transphobes are just insane with their hate, he looks to be a long time stalker of hers. I’m so sorry she had to deal with people like this.

Here’s where likeastone.109551 goes transphobic – both misgendering, and hoping someone commits suicide – he’s referencing the 41% thing. It’s what they do.

Geez I’m not going to add the details, but looks like he actively searches out and people on the internet to expose them to these creeps. You can always look him up yourself, but he’s been very involved in harassing a few other streamers, it looks like!

Let’s see, there’s about a million posts where likeastone.109551 the transphobic kiwifarms stalker misgenders people, so I think it’s safe to say he’s a ranging transphobe.

Sure does like that n-word….

Looks like he admits that since ‘they win’ – he’s part of a group crusading to get keffals removed from social platforms – he’s crowing about  it here. I guess he was sad when she came back.

More samples of being part of anti-transgender kiwifarms harassment:

Admits to being part of the group that doxxed keffals – and her friends – and wants her to kill herself:

Admits to doxxing a ‘whole team’ of moderators:

General hatred of pride month

I think I’m about done looking this creepy, racist, transphobic stalker from kiwifarms. It seems like he even doxxes kids. This one looks to be absolutely dangerous.