Category Archives: likeastone.109551

xm-05-thanatos.122804 and likeastone.109551 from kiwifarms

Oh, hey, thanks for posting, that actually confirms for me that you, xm-05-thanatos.122804, are the verizon customer who didn’t use a VPN, which I guess confirms that likeastone.109551 would be the cell customer, as I thought! Interestingly enough, the IP location is available, too. Something interesting about that, isn’t there :)

But what a surprise, more creepy right-wing transphobic americans who think they can bully the world. Do you think I could get you in trouble for the stalking and harassment by complaining to your ISP?

I saved those web-logs with the ip address for law enforcement, if ever needed – this blog is really not that popular, but thanks for falling for it, it’s really helpful to be able to identify kiwifarms users using standard web logs built into every website!

If anyone has been harassed by either of these kiwifarms users, from the right-wing hate site that doxes and harasses people, and tries to swat them to murder them by cop – just contact me, it’s IP information, it’s public information, it’ll be no good to you without a lawyer or police help to uncover the payment information on the accounts – but I’m very tired of being targeted by creepy stalkers from kiwifarms.

Heck, it took me about 2 minutes to write that other blog post you posted – totally worth it, to confirm information about the people stalking me.

For any other creepy stalker kiwifarms users who come along after, you should probably be aware I’m totally willing and eager to share information about any of you, to anyone who asks. I’ve been in contact with law enforcement for years now, I will give them information you give me, as well.

I totally get that internet harassment cases never go anywhere, but after all the threats I’m a little worried you’re going to try to kill me by cop, and swat me, like your forum has done to others in the past, so I’ve been keeping in contact with the cops ever since swatting was first threatened, years ago – by some of the same people posting on that kiwifarms thread – for the safety of my family, I HAD to contact the police.




likeastone.109551 – Imagine being a Cell User Posting Cell Pics on A Nazi Hate Site

Oh you poor thing, yeah, so let’s see – are you verizon, or at&t? You were stupid enough to visit my site using a cellphone, and stupid enough to post cellphone formated pictures minutes after, according to my logs of the website, and my logs of kiwifarms – so you’re one or the other.

Imagine having no opsec and exposing ones cellular provider and IP address to a bipolar clown who can then give it to the police as both companies will hand over your payment details in a second.

See? Cellphone format:

You seem like  you actively doxxed keffals, and others, too? Wow. And yet you come and expose your IP and cellphone provider to me? I barely knew ye, sir!

How forward!

Not like the police would have any difficulty getting the information from both companies, they can figure it out.

LOL why would I be seething – if you bother me, I can give your information to the police easily. I can also contact the police because you seem to be actively doxxing other people using kiwifarms. You’re a racist, too. Why would I care if you transphobic racist trash don’t like the way I look – you hate EVERYONE, and are sick in the head. Who cares what you think.

It’s just funny, you’re so stupid – you came here on a cellphone – LOL, do the folk still say ‘smooth move, exlax’? cause it sure applies.

If any law enforcement or lawyers for people who want to press charges against this particular kiwifarms user, or sue for any reason, even an unrelated post on the kiwifarms forum – ever shows up in the future, email me, and once I verify you are law enforcement or a lawyer, I will contact you regarding this person, including the IP logs as they visited my website.

It seems like this user has made thousands of posts glorifying their doxxing and harassment abilities while they harassed other people, so please feel free to contact me, I’ll give all the information I can – and law enforcement and/or lawyers will have no problem getting the payment details for likeastone’s cellphone.

It’s not like major providers in the US are going to protect criminals from the police or lawyers.

Why? I can give it to the regular police, or really, anyone who asks me for it.


Heck, I could post the IP address right here on this blog, and wander off for a year. It’s not illegal, it’s just posting public information that you display to the world.

Wow, you’re so racist. We get it. Racists and transphobes use kiwifarms to harass other people and spread their personal information… you should go touch grass.


Interestingly, Websites have Logs

Interesting enough, all websites nowadays  have logs – You kiwifarms freaks are kind of correct, I get very little traffic to my blog! I kind of keep an eye on the logs though, and it looks like just before you kiwifarms people discovered my blog, celullar customers from AT&T and Verizon both visited – I have of course saved all IP and header information for authorities, if it will be needed, I hope not!

This blog is more about search engines, for the future! I’m not real popular, toxic people sure made sure of that, with their constant lies about me!

Wow – most people with opsec would use a VPN though – this will be information that police absolutely can use to find the identity of people who harass or harm me in the future, thanks!

Imagine using your cell phone to look up stuff while posting on a right-wing harassment site dedicated to harassing transgender people off the internet, or getting them hurt or killed.