Fallout 76 PTS Update April 7, 2021

Picture Gallery:
I got tired of waiting for dataminers, I think I’ll just do this myself for the future, hope you enjoy!
Love, Always,
Fallout 76 PTS Update April 7, 2021
Picture Gallery:
I got tired of waiting for dataminers, I think I’ll just do this myself for the future, hope you enjoy!
Love, Always,
Here’s the datamined images from the new Fallout 76 Cold Steel files now! “P25 ATX/SCORE” Datamine!
I also made two videos with the spoiler images below!
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Loadouts
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Loadouts offer you even more adaptability as you face down the ever-growing threats of the Wasteland by allowing you to modify or completely reset your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes.
C.A.M.P. Slots
Have you ever found the perfect spot to start building a new Appalachian home, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to tear down your old C.A.M.P.? That difficult decision is a thing of the past with CAMP Slots, which allow you to build and keep multiple C.A.M.P.s at once!
Daily Ops Expansion
This update includes our first expansion for Daily Ops, which includes the new “Decryption” mode and nearly doubles the amount of content in the randomized pool of locations, enemies, and mutations.
Aim Assist
If you’re hopping into the PTS with a controller plugged into your PC, we’d love to hear what you think of the new “Aim Assist” option we’ve added to the game settings menu.
Crafting Sliders
Spend less time slaving away at your workbenches by crafting your items in bulk! From now on, when you’re crafting items, cooking up your next culinary masterpiece, or churning out another bandolier of ammunition, a new slider will appear that you can use to select how much of an item you’d like to make (as long as you have the materials, of course!)
World Activity Menu Updates
In addition to Daily Ops, the World Activity menu will now display nearby player vendors, active nuke zones, and even events, so that you can find and fast travel to them more easily.
New “Hunt for the Treasure Hunter” Rewards
We’ve added a variety of new “Hunt for the Treasure Hunter” rewards and enabled the event in the PTS so that you can take down a few Treasure Hunter Mole Miners and check out the new loot.
Love, Always,
This is a collection of quotes and pictures taken from a public Discord server for a real money trader group. The discord itself is run by a Youtuber named DemonAsylum. It’s notes from the ban-wave that started 2021-02-25 and people are just talking about now, so what I’m going to do is keep adding the newest stuff to the top of this post!
Title of this post? “The Can’-Ka No Rey (“The Red Fields of None”) is the field of roses surrounding the Dark Tower. The roses are very difficult to remove from the ground. They have thorns that can rip into hands while they are in the ground, but become harmless after being removed. The roses call people to come to the Dark Tower. Their call is strongest at sunset.”
Thanks so much for finally doing something, in a major way, it looks like – about the real money trader problem in Fallout 76!
Love, Always.
Some things to keep in mind, before anyone causes a ‘scene’ –
So entitled.
I don’t get this, does mr high and mighty from the group of people exploiting the game and making money from the real money trade, hanging out on the discord chatroom used to organized harassment of at least 3 fallout players that I know of, want to suggest they’re actually doing something in real life that is worth… well, anything? Such a snotty, entitled attitude.
Also I don’t really COMPLAIN about being poor. I accept that, because I don’t like money, because to get money, I’d have to put up with snot nosed little entitled shits who don’t know anything – and that, throughout my whole life, has just not been worth it to me. I DO have a donation link, because people have asked about how they can donate – real people – who do care. Not little duper scum who make 2 bucks from selling things they cheat to get instead of getting a real job that actually helps society in any way.
Also – I’m old – I’m already done my ‘school to become a master craftsman’ – so what else is there to do, except try to modify the behavior of snotty little groups of bullies like you guys at demon asylum?
Someone has posted an ad in my name on that real money trade site everyone else uses, eeeee-zeee-en-peeeeeeeeeee-cee- I haven’t seen it yet, but I do not envy for the fools who fall for this one – live streamed this morning – hope all the real money traders get banned.
Looks to be more threats of doxxing about to happen, when they’re using real first names, they often follow with addresses. Better keep an eye on this mrgrendler – this doxxing group is actually dangerous.
It always comes down to real money with you people – that’s all you care about.
More chatter:
Has hacked power armor to give to someone.
This person also has hacked power armor to trade:
And another person selling hacked items:
Busy morning, here’s another one trying to sell and trade hacked items:
Feb 28, 2021:
This one is trying to ‘real talk’ make a deal with bethesda, I hope they keep the other things below it in mind, too….
Is a duper from at least as far back as 2020-08-18 – Hey look it’s Eckserah, I know that name!
Admits to leadership of an in-game group that continues to cheat:
Plans to dupe again:
Seen in-game 2021-02-28