Category Archives: thegeminaii

thegeminaii Duper Discord – Here’s the people willing to help them dupe

More discord logs from thegeminaii’s Duper and Griefer Discord Below!

From their donations discord chat room:

Fallout 76 Cheaters willing to help Dupers in thegeminaii’s duper discord

Fallout 76 Cheaters willing to help Dupers in thegeminaii’s duper discord

Fallout 76 Cheaters willing to help Dupers in thegeminaii’s duper discord

Fallout 76 Cheaters willing to help Dupers in thegeminaii’s duper discord

Fallout 76 Cheaters willing to help Dupers in thegeminaii’s duper discord

Fallout 76 Cheaters willing to help Dupers in thegeminaii’s duper discord

Fallout 76 Cheaters willing to help Dupers in thegeminaii’s duper discord



Text posted below for easier reading:

Angryandy 05-Nov-19 12:11 AM

Uny cav AP scout armor
Maybe is ur really nice to me je15rl Tesla 🤣😂🤣😂

EliteR95 05-Nov-19 12:15 AM

J2515v Handmade

EliteR95 05-Nov-19 12:29 AM

TSE Fixer

LeaLokko 05-Nov-19 12:35 AM

chameleon heavy leather left leg sentinel + ap refresh or a quad tesla+vats crit+faster vats fill (edited)

death 05-Nov-19 12:37 AM

bloody/swingspeed/15% less damage while blocking meathook bloody/swingspeed/something ( cant remember) baseball bat (edited)

Millerk420 05-Nov-19 12:43 AM

Bloodied +10 Aim, 90% reduced wgt Minigun

EliteR95 05-Nov-19 12:44 AM

B/SS/somethingelse Machete

Millerk420 05-Nov-19 12:44 AM

Bloodied VATS +50 crit, 90% reduced Gatling Gun

Karny 05-Nov-19 12:50 AM

– AAE Handmade, Assault Rifle, Gatling gun, combat shotgun, – BE tommygun, -BFr laser rifle, – TSE 50 cal and LMG, also uny/sent/ap robot left leg

scotpunk 05-Nov-19 01:20 AM

I’ve got a BE gat and TSE LMG
Oh and an AAE & QE railway

PHAQIWON 05-Nov-19 01:24 AM

TSE Black Powder Rifle/TSE Hardened pump shotgun

Sai of Vulcan/Areologist 05-Nov-19 03:10 AM

@WebCake_ I have a travelers coat, if you guys didn’t have one to dupe.
oh i mean leather coat*
not the traveling leather coat

Blushade 05-Nov-19 06:58 AM

im getting a tomahawk plan if its needed

Blushade 05-Nov-19 07:13 AM

and t60 initiate paint

purplepootis 05-Nov-19 12:54 PM

QE Assultron Head

LeaLokko 05-Nov-19 06:44 PM

Anti Armor Explo Flamer

Spooky 05-Nov-19 07:20 PM

Quad explosive tesla

scotpunk 05-Nov-19 09:10 PM

I have a ZE fixer that’s fun for queen fights

Rambo 05-Nov-19 11:37 PM

I’ve got a traveling leather coat if yall need it

juda03 05-Nov-19 11:43 PM

q50crit assaultron head 2 star

scotpunk 06-Nov-19 12:09 AM

I didn’t look at the plans yesterday…do you need the plasma grenade?

Tahoe 06-Nov-19 12:12 AM

I have level 1 pieces of junk, aid, ammo and weapon reduction armor if you don’t have copies of that yet
Perfect for mules
Weapons Weapon,Star 1,Star 2,Star 3,LVL,Character 10mm Pistol,Anti Armor,25% Faster Fire Rate,Plus 250 Damage Resistance Reloading,MAX,T Guns1 Combat Rifle,Anti Armor,Vats Criticals Plus 50% Damage,15% Faster Reload,MAX,T Guns1 Deathclaw Gauntlet,Anti Armor,40% Faster Swing …
Close to 400 weapons

cntryder 06-Nov-19 12:17 AM

I have an AAE and Furious Explosive handmade, also tomahawk plan and Replica Grognak Axe Plan if they are needed (I would like a few copies myself for other characters)

cntryder 06-Nov-19 12:30 AM

I have the Fasnacht Beret

Blushade 06-Nov-19 12:32 AM

What about fancy single action?

Blushade 06-Nov-19 12:56 AM

I also have the forest scout mask

Angryandy 06-Nov-19 02:12 AM

does anyone the b5025 handmade?

LeaLokko 06-Nov-19 07:21 AM

plan ultracite emergency protocols

Ƥܭʎɕիᴓ𝕏𝟜𝟚𝟘 06-Nov-19 08:10 AM

TSE cryolator, TSE tesla

Seawolf2k 9233 06-Nov-19 07:06 PM

I have a vampire swing speed super sledge

scotpunk 06-Nov-19 08:11 PM

Anyone want a bloodied swing speed reduced weight sledgehammer?

Seawolf2k 9233 06-Nov-19 08:34 PM

Did you guys want a set of SH PA to dupe?

Tahoe 07-Nov-19 02:19 AM

ive got some decent level 1 stuff if anyone is interested. Level 1 BE Pipe Revolver, Level 1 JE Pipe Bolt Action, Level 1 V33 Pipe pistol

cntryder 07-Nov-19 02:57 AM


juda03 07-Nov-19 02:38 PM

for list comunautaire

PHAQIWON 08-Nov-19 04:47 AM

Spidengo 08-Nov-19 07:52 PM

Donations (things I can lend you): FE combat rifle, Executioners-E combat rifle , VE combat rifle, F25 tesla, I25 tesla. All purveyor rolls.

Angryandy 08-Nov-19 08:01 PM

Does anyone have. The vanguard AP sentinel Urban scout armor limbs

Angryandy 08-Nov-19 08:34 PM

Who’s next in line to get shit done

LeaLokko 09-Nov-19 01:50 PM

FSSRW Bear Arm – unfortunately not bloodied

Khan 09-Nov-19 02:01 PM

BE Flamer, B2515 Minigun, BE25 50Cal, AAE 50 Cal (edited)

PHAQIWON 09-Nov-19 07:03 PM

BFSS Meat hook

castiammi_meda 10-Nov-19 11:05 AM

QE90 harpoon


thegeminaii – duper discord – here’s a list of all their orders via discord.

thegeminaii - duper discord - people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii - duper discord - people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

thegeminaii – duper discord – people making orders

Full text below, to make it searchable:

FSW 04-Nov-19 11:54 PM

BSS+1STR Meat Hook/ B2525 Handmade/ DE GP —as many as you are offering 🙂

TMG 04-Nov-19 11:56 PM

BE Laser Rifle, TSE Gatling Plasma Please!

Meat 04-Nov-19 11:57 PM

Ass/sent/ap refresh set … is this is really the place dreams are made of

Blushade 04-Nov-19 11:57 PM

bss+str spear, B25% tesla arc (edited)

Azura.Star 05-Nov-19 12:02 AM

BSS bear arm (edited)

LeaLokko 05-Nov-19 12:03 AM

BE Gat Plasma or BE cal 50

Millerk420 05-Nov-19 12:09 AM

I’l like to get a TSE or FE Gat Plasma or Ultra Laser Gat(if exists), or a TSE Gatling, Combat rifle or Fixer. 💗

I am dead 05-Nov-19 12:23 AM

Meele BSS (optional +1 Strenght) Powerfist/Deathclaw and Supersledge/Baseball bat

death 05-Nov-19 12:23 AM

b/ss/str spear, any ass/ap refresh/sent armor or just any armor in general

Ya boi 05-Nov-19 12:31 AM

B25 Fixer, handmade and TSE Laser Rifle if available (edited)

﷽﷽ 05-Nov-19 12:38 AM

Sent/assassin/ap set and Uny/ap/cav set (edited)

juda03 05-Nov-19 12:39 AM

search armor set

Karny 05-Nov-19 12:53 AM

BE Gatling Plasma or BE 50 cal (edited)

Sai of Vulcan/Areologist 05-Nov-19 01:03 AM

Still waiting on list for order, but BE gatling laser / BE handmade or BE gatling

scotpunk 05-Nov-19 01:19 AM

I miss my TSE GP, but BE GP is fine too 😀

IHBM 05-Nov-19 01:31 AM

be tesla ,be fixer

Swoosh 05-Nov-19 01:32 AM

Ass sent armor, B2525 Fixer, BSS+Str spear 🙂 (edited)

I am dead 05-Nov-19 02:13 AM

B/SS/(Reduced weight or 1 str) spear Instigating/SS(Reduced weight or 1str) Grognak axt or something

Mynde 05-Nov-19 02:13 AM

Sent/assassin/ap set bffr fixer

DoubleTetrahedron 05-Nov-19 02:13 AM

Uny cav AP scout (edited)

I am dead 05-Nov-19 02:15 AM

Uny cav Ap scout

Seawolf2k 9233 05-Nov-19 03:03 AM

2 handed mele, jester mask, vamp or AA handmade, scout or hc armor…. BFFR fixer

Raider_Invader 05-Nov-19 07:26 AM

I donated the AAE cryo, FE radium, JE fixer, DE gatling plasma, and uny/sent/AP refresh marine armor. Is it possible to get those back plus an extra? Joined some giveaways but never got those or the original back (with the exception the cryolator – I got ONE of those in a giveaway bit not one back for the original. Also don’t need the armor- somebody made copies of their copy for me already) (edited)

TheGeminaii 05-Nov-19 07:52 AM


Raider_Invader 05-Nov-19 07:55 AM


juda03 05-Nov-19 10:03 AM

t51 abraaxo (edited)

Raider_Invader 05-Nov-19 10:15 AM

Can abraxo be dropped now? Or are there plans? I thought it was just an atomic shop skin o.O

juda03 05-Nov-19 10:16 AM

no ideé 😦

Angryandy 05-Nov-19 03:37 PM

I’m glad to see that armor I tossed in is super hott and everyone wants it lol

Raider_Invader 05-Nov-19 04:09 PM

which armor??

IHBM 05-Nov-19 04:45 PM

Hi. Yesterday i donate 2 sets unyielding scout armor and 3*aae tesla. Is it possible to get these back plus an extra? I did not participate in giveways . Maybe i can donate and more weapons in future (edited)

TheGeminaii 05-Nov-19 05:48 PM

It was the Unyeilding Cav scout @Raider_Invader
You will

Raider_Invader 05-Nov-19 05:49 PM


Ulfyn 05-Nov-19 06:50 PM

Could i get one of the qe assaultrons, and one of the wooden mask back

TheGeminaii 05-Nov-19 06:51 PM


juda03 05-Nov-19 08:37 PM

i am search je gatling laser

Perry 05-Nov-19 08:44 PM

Looking for a Ghoul’s slayer Explosive Gatling plasma, if someone have 😇

juda03 05-Nov-19 08:54 PM

stealhboy mark

WebCake_ 05-Nov-19 09:30 PM


juda03 05-Nov-19 09:31 PM

@WebCake_ it’s to kill @Elundis7

WebCake_ 05-Nov-19 09:32 PM

double lol

﷽﷽ 05-Nov-19 11:05 PM

Order: Wooden Mask, Fancy revolver if theyre in stock, qe assaultron head, B/40/agi bear arm, de flamer (still missing uny/ap/cav scout set) (edited)

TheGeminaii 05-Nov-19 11:14 PM


juda03 05-Nov-19 11:17 PM

wooden mask 🙂

Rambo 05-Nov-19 11:22 PM

Is there anything in particular yall dont have but need? I dont have a whole lot tbh lol

Ya boi 05-Nov-19 11:30 PM

rare outfits would be nice
red asylum, travellers coat, cowboy outfit, etc

Bungo 05-Nov-19 11:31 PM

Do I need to provide something first in order to order something?

Ya boi 05-Nov-19 11:32 PM

No, but if you feel that you have something worthy of duping then you can offer it
You’ll get your item in return and the satisfaction of making dozens of players happy 🙂 (edited)

Bungo 05-Nov-19 11:32 PM

I’ve got a BSS+1STR Power Fist but if I remember correctly it wasn’t really sought after (edited)

Ya boi 05-Nov-19 11:33 PM

Dunno, could ask around the donations channel

Bungo 05-Nov-19 11:34 PM

Already talked either with WebCake or Geminaii
Don’t remember

Blushade 05-Nov-19 11:52 PM

If you get it fancy single action

WebCake_ 05-Nov-19 11:53 PM


slimkr3w 06-Nov-19 12:14 AM

2 wooden masks and a ve gatling laser. lost my ve gatling and my armor set after picking up a bag at party.

ema 06-Nov-19 12:26 AM

bloodied explosive pipe revolver, pirate outfit, legendary shishkebab, hunter outfit (edited)

Kalani 💀 06-Nov-19 12:28 AM

qe assaultron head, all outfits including wooden mask and as many plans as I can get 😄 (edited)

purplepootis 06-Nov-19 12:56 AM

Jet plan, Fancy Revolver (if obtained), any fancy PA paint plans.

Angryandy 06-Nov-19 01:43 AM

I need some ones ps so I can help full orders and make the dream come true

WebCake_ 06-Nov-19 01:48 AM

@Angryandy what?

Angryandy 06-Nov-19 01:48 AM

I’m.gonna help

WebCake_ 06-Nov-19 01:48 AM


Angryandy 06-Nov-19 03:27 AM

i need 2 sets of lv 1 weapon -20% armor right way
sooner i get sooner i can start

cntryder 06-Nov-19 03:33 AM

I have some level 1 weapon reduce, does it matter what the other stats are

MasterBaiter 06-Nov-19 04:20 AM

I’m looking for BSS Sheepsquatch Staff/Club/Bear Arm

Blushade 06-Nov-19 04:27 AM

plans needed- plasma mine, pole hook, bear arms, heavy raider plans (edited)

arkeda 06-Nov-19 04:35 AM

Plans – Plasma Mine, Radiatino Emitter, Pole Hook, Heavy Raider/Sturdy Raider Plans
Weapons – Bloodied Explosive Cryolator

EliteR95 06-Nov-19 05:12 AM

Weapons: B2525 or B2515r Fixer; BE Cryolator Armor: Assassin/Sentinel set. Outfits: Responder Fireman’s Outfit & White Helmet; Jack-o-lantern Short and Long Suit; Leather Coat. (edited)

Ya boi 06-Nov-19 06:03 AM

Weapons – BSS +Str Fire Axe & QE Laser Rifle Cosmetic – Red Asylum Outfit Plans – Plasma Mine and Grenade, High Capacity Backpack, Shielded Casual, and Grognak

Elundis7 06-Nov-19 06:12 AM

two number 9’s; a number 9 large; a number 6, extra dip; a number 7; two number 45’s, one with cheese; and a large soda

Swoosh 06-Nov-19 06:29 AM

BSS +1 str bone hammer, BE25 lever

Khan 06-Nov-19 06:36 AM

Hunters Hood

Seawolf2k 9233 06-Nov-19 07:06 AM

Weapons- 2ea Bloodied Fixer, 2 ea Junkies Fixer. Outfits – 2ea Red Asylum. Plans – Fixer, Plasma grenade and mine, Bottlecap Mine, Shielded Casual, All 3 heavy raider, All Raider and T-51b plans.

scotpunk 06-Nov-19 07:51 AM

Fashnacht masks, marine unyielding set, and that QE Assaultron head.

LeaLokko 06-Nov-19 07:56 AM

Traveling Long Coat, plan plasma grenade/mine, Shielded Lined Casual Underarmor B5025 (or B2525) Handmade, BE Fixer, QE Tesla (edited)

Spooky 06-Nov-19 08:09 AM

Armor: Ass Sent Marine LA Ass Sent Marine RL Outfit: Traveling Long Coat Plans: Plasma grenade plan

Ƥܭʎɕիᴓ𝕏𝟜𝟚𝟘 06-Nov-19 08:09 AM

Weapons: QE Assaultron Head BE Cryolator QFFR Gamma BFFR25 Handmade Double Explosive Gatling Plasma BE lever Action JE handmade

juda03 06-Nov-19 09:25 AM

The Empty Pumpkin Rack

SharK 06-Nov-19 09:33 AM

be fixer, x-01 mods plans (edited)

Spidengo 06-Nov-19 10:39 AM

300 radium rifles to scrap to learn plans unyielding WW armor lvl 50 to carry the f’ing radium rifles lol (edited)

Millerk420 06-Nov-19 02:30 PM

Plasma grenade plan, scouts armor mask and a couple of weapons. Thanks. (edited)

FSW 06-Nov-19 03:29 PM

Missed the drop a couple of times now but i will try again… VE Laser/DE GP/B2525 Handmade and a couple of fasnacht for my display please :)

Sai of Vulcan/Areologist 06-Nov-19 05:01 PM

BPAA bear arm, and urban scout armor mask.

cntryder 06-Nov-19 07:26 PM

Weapons: AAE Cryolator BE Gatling Plasma TSE Gatling Plasma FE Gatling Plasma AAE Handmade QE Harpoon Gun QE Tesla Rifle Plans: Plasma Gernade Plasma Mine Pitchfork Flamer Telsa Arc Trap Tomahawk Bear Arm Pole Hook Stimpak Diffuser Cutting Fluid Replica Grognak’s Axe (edited)

Sai of Vulcan/Areologist 06-Nov-19 08:18 PM

Jesus what’s sever rule 2.

Ya boi 06-Nov-19 08:50 PM

lol “Everything”

Sai of Vulcan/Areologist 06-Nov-19 08:53 PM

Server* and yeah. Should have just said “Everything” for his order.

BCS boiiii 06-Nov-19 11:51 PM

Yeah leme go ahed and get 1 of everything plz and thank you 💩

EliteR95 06-Nov-19 11:59 PM


Sig320 07-Nov-19 04:52 AM

plans honestly

Skyfozz 07-Nov-19 04:53 AM

love thats what im missing, anyone got that?

Fuzzy 07-Nov-19 05:57 AM

I need around 500 or so max level all rises and a set of uny-cav forest scout

juda03 07-Nov-19 10:24 AM

wtb je gatling laser or je flammer
right leg raider powered
good plan rare

BCS boiiii 07-Nov-19 06:20 PM

qe25 laser, ve gp, aae fixer, halloween outfits. bowling ball launcher, t60 paint. dont know what you guys want in return

Vurkrin_legend 07-Nov-19 10:35 PM

Heavy leather armor

Tubify 07-Nov-19 10:55 PM


smith21 07-Nov-19 11:18 PM

NW marine , thirst zapper, acid soaker, uny/sent/ap marine set (edited)

TheGeminaii 07-Nov-19 11:19 PM

@BCS boiiii nothing

Blushade 07-Nov-19 11:22 PM

Just the plans I asled for last time

Sig320 07-Nov-19 11:24 PM

blush wait till next time after 2 more times 3 times ago
to get the plans lol kidding

Blushade 07-Nov-19 11:25 PM

I just wasnt around yesterday something came up

Sig320 07-Nov-19 11:25 PM


Blushade 07-Nov-19 11:27 PM

Really trying to plan collect nothing else I want other than the fancy single action otherwise I have no reason to play 😂

Tahoe 07-Nov-19 11:50 PM

@Blushade do you know the story of where that fancy came from?
@biorpg is that another one of your creations?
Or rather, your helping of introducing it

Blushade 07-Nov-19 11:51 PM

Dude has it thats all I know
He wont be on for a bit more though thats all I know
Like a day or something
I know ive talked to him

Ulfyn 07-Nov-19 11:53 PM

bio crafted it when that was possible

Tahoe 07-Nov-19 11:53 PM

That’s what I figured
Just like the gilded 3 star mini gun

Ulfyn 07-Nov-19 11:54 PM

just like a lot of things

Tahoe 07-Nov-19 11:54 PM

Yeah that too, he put in some work

Blushade 07-Nov-19 11:56 PM

Now I sit here and hope he shares although if speculation is true itll probably be a thing in wastelanders

Ulfyn 07-Nov-19 11:58 PM

which? the fancy stuff?

Blushade 07-Nov-19 11:59 PM

Yea i mean if we are going after the treasure of Appalachia it would make sense

Ulfyn 08-Nov-19 12:00 AM

well guess if they do ill hope they arent legendary

Blushade 08-Nov-19 12:01 AM

Why not?
Give them some use

Tahoe 08-Nov-19 12:01 AM

I’m sure they won’t be, look how long it took to introduce legendary fixer and all those

Ulfyn 08-Nov-19 12:02 AM

because i dont want mine to lose rarity 😉

Tahoe 08-Nov-19 12:02 AM

Well better trade it off before then lol
Trade it to blushade 🤔

Blushade 08-Nov-19 12:02 AM

How bout you be a cool noon and share it with me I want it on my wall 😁
I mean if dude trades it to gem tomorrow itll lose value anyhow

Tahoe 08-Nov-19 12:03 AM

Haha true

Blushade 08-Nov-19 12:04 AM

He said he was gonna

juda03 08-Nov-19 12:06 AM

Jet Cutting Fluid Replica Grognak’s Axe (edited)
NW Marine
Bear Arm

Tahoe 08-Nov-19 12:07 AM

@juda03 I have an extra vault 96 and T60 military I can give you
And Jet

juda03 08-Nov-19 12:08 AM

@Tahoe thin I put the 2 that I already had (edited)

Tahoe 08-Nov-19 12:09 AM

I have jet too

juda03 08-Nov-19 12:09 AM

ho nice iam need

Tahoe 08-Nov-19 12:10 AM

IGN OopsIGotBanned (edited)
I’ll be on in about an hour

juda03 08-Nov-19 12:11 AM

nice ign lol

Tahoe 08-Nov-19 12:11 AM

My other one was TuckFodd

juda03 08-Nov-19 12:12 AM


Blushade 08-Nov-19 12:12 AM

He said he was gonna

juda03 08-Nov-19 12:13 AM

Deathclaw Gauntlet Extra Claw Plasma Mine

Blushade 08-Nov-19 12:14 AM

And just like that hes gone

Tahoe 08-Nov-19 01:05 AM

Does anyone have some duped flux they can throw my way?
Not looking for a ton of it just some

Raider_Invader 08-Nov-19 01:42 AM

hit me up tomorrow. i can… make some for you 🙂

Perry 08-Nov-19 11:43 AM

If anyone has a B/SS/? Bear Arm i can make foolish for it

Raider_Invader 08-Nov-19 11:59 AM

same 🙂

kss0314948 08-Nov-19 12:59 PM

I want to purchase a B / E / 15 fixer and an Unyield / AP / Sent Marine set. and B / E / -25 vats lever action (edited)
do u have?

Tahoe 08-Nov-19 01:20 PM

What’s with all this give me shit

Borat Putin 08-Nov-19 01:22 PM

ya lol
not even a pls lmao

kss0314948 08-Nov-19 01:27 PM

I want to purchase a B / E / 15 fixer and an Unyield / AP / Sent Marine set. and B / E / -25 vats lever action do u have?

Borat Putin 08-Nov-19 01:27 PM

dont spam

Tahoe 08-Nov-19 01:28 PM

Get your ass a B / A / N here in a minute

kss0314948 08-Nov-19 01:29 PM

Sorry, my native language is not English
can I write what I want here?
Can you explain what that means?
I thought the members here duplicated the item.
Receive but do not give?

purplepootis 08-Nov-19 01:38 PM

@pvpIsrael please do not spam, there are alot of people ahead of you who have waited a long time to get stuff. We are a small crew so we try our best. you continually spam and act greedy so please stop. We will get to you soon

kss0314948 08-Nov-19 01:41 PM

@purplepootis ok, i wait

purplepootis 08-Nov-19 01:42 PM

thank you @kss0314948 you are new to the server so unfortunately you are at the bottom of the donations list, it might be a while but we will try to fufill your request. (edited)

kss0314948 08-Nov-19 01:43 PM

How long will it take?

Tahoe 08-Nov-19 01:43 PM

Oh my god

kss0314948 08-Nov-19 01:47 PM


purplepootis 08-Nov-19 01:48 PM

@kss0314948 it will take a while we do not have a time frame exactly

kss0314948 08-Nov-19 01:49 PM

Calm down

purplepootis 08-Nov-19 02:19 PM

@Raider_Invader I appreciate it, atm we’re fine but i might hit you up this weekend to fufill orders if gem or web isn’t on

ioanalexandrugag 08-Nov-19 02:54 PM

Hello. If it´s posible i want a BE and DE gatling plasma please. PS you guys are making a super job here and if you need help just say

kss0314948 08-Nov-19 03:03 PM

@ioanalexandrugag u got Unyield / AP / Sent Marine set?

ioanalexandrugag 08-Nov-19 03:04 PM

sadly not

Blushade 08-Nov-19 07:46 PM

fancy pistol, be gat plasma, be fixer

Angryandy 08-Nov-19 08:01 PM

Does anyone have. The vanguard AP sentinel Urban scout armor limbs

MilaySVK 08-Nov-19 09:06 PM

could i get TSE gatling plasma? also have few things not listed in that spreadsheet. DM me if needed

Angryandy 08-Nov-19 09:11 PM

@MilaySVK what cha got

MilaySVK 08-Nov-19 09:12 PM

ultracite calibrated shocks plan
also chameleon/ap/harder to detect arm
and if you need any explosive lever action just say 😉 i have them all, some 2star some 3star

Fuzzy 08-Nov-19 10:33 PM

can I get a JSS or AASS meathook and maybe a vanguard cav set if you guys have it?

TheGeminaii 08-Nov-19 10:43 PM


Bungo 09-Nov-19 02:20 AM

Just the fancy revolver, at least for now.

Tahoe 09-Nov-19 02:38 AM

@TheGeminaii did you all make copies of that QE assaultron head yet? I would love one of those

TheGeminaii 09-Nov-19 02:38 AM

Yeah i do
I’ll hand you one

Tahoe 09-Nov-19 02:39 AM

Thank you 🙏
I’ll be on all night and tomorrow, no hurry

WebCake_ 09-Nov-19 02:46 AM

@Tahoe i can give you it now

﷽﷽ 09-Nov-19 02:47 AM

too late
im only kidding

Tubify 09-Nov-19 03:38 AM

u know what `?purge is pal`

Elundis7 09-Nov-19 03:38 AM

Geminaiis superstition made him kick all the bots

Tubify 09-Nov-19 03:38 AM

hate to see it

Elundis7 09-Nov-19 03:38 AM

So now I gotta add the bots when I get home
And actually for this server it was a !, not a ?

BCS boiiii 09-Nov-19 03:39 AM


ColdDeadHands2020 09-Nov-19 03:55 AM

anybody have an extra 2 shot expolsive combat rifle or handmade?

kss0314948 09-Nov-19 07:44 AM

i want 3 Q/E/90w Harpoon gun
and all T-60 plan

BCS boiiii 09-Nov-19 08:05 AM


cntryder 09-Nov-19 08:15 AM

Anyone have a stimpak diffuser plan I can get or trade for?

ioanalexandrugag 09-Nov-19 08:33 AM

could i get if its possiblec please QE assaultron head, Deathclaw Gauntlet Extra Claw, Plasma Gernade, Tomahawk

﷽﷽ 09-Nov-19 10:51 AM

Order: qe assaultron head, B/40/agi bear arm, de flamer (still missing uny/ap/cav scout set)

juda03 09-Nov-19 10:52 AM

Bear Arm Bloodied PA DMG Agility
Bone Hammer Bloodied SS Strength
Double Barrel Bloodied Explosive VATS Crit Fill

Khan 09-Nov-19 02:06 PM

Hunters Hood, Hunters Pelt, T60 Military Plan, Jet Plan.

FlashedStream37 09-Nov-19 02:29 PM

B Ss meathook,bloodied the fixer,TSE lmg,be 10 mm pistol

Raider_Invader 09-Nov-19 08:12 PM

jet recipe and t-45 military PA paint please

LuminousWolf 10-Nov-19 12:24 AM

i would like a quad explosive double barrel,, 2 b ss grognak axe’s

SerratedGoat 10-Nov-19 12:53 AM

I would like a Jester mask and a set of combat sentinel unyielding if possible
If not combat, any type will do

Tahoe 10-Nov-19 02:28 AM

Does anyone have a VE or JE laser rifle I can borrow? I will return the favor

MilaySVK 10-Nov-19 02:37 AM

@TheGeminaii could i get TSE gatling plasma and BE fixer before i go sleep? many thanks 🙂

TheGeminaii 10-Nov-19 02:39 AM

Yes absolutely

MilaySVK 10-Nov-19 02:41 AM

thanks 😉 but how long, cos here is 3am already 😄

TheGeminaii 10-Nov-19 02:48 AM

Oh shit, wellll within the next hour hopefully

FlashedStream37 10-Nov-19 02:49 AM


LuminousWolf 10-Nov-19 02:49 AM

sweet thanks

MilaySVK 10-Nov-19 02:52 AM

so i will pray that i dont fall asleep till then 🙂 but thanks

WebCake_ 10-Nov-19 03:00 AM


Khan 10-Nov-19 03:00 AM


LuminousWolf 10-Nov-19 03:02 AM

this my first time how do we join your game

MilaySVK 10-Nov-19 03:58 AM

damn, world is full 😦

thegeminaii is not just a stalker griefer who doxx’s people, but also a duper.

Whoa, oh my, look what was all linked to that last reddit post about the dupers and cheaters:
Looks to be discord logs of thegeminaii’s little duper group.

thegeminaii – duper, doxxer, stalker

thegeminaii – duper, doxxer, stalker

thegeminaii – duper, doxxer, stalker

thegeminaii – duper, doxxer, stalker

thegeminaii – duper, doxxer, stalker

thegeminaii – duper, doxxer, stalker

thegeminaii – duper, doxxer, stalker


Text Below:

TheGeminaii 05-Nov-19 12:11 AM

The next phase of duping will start in about an hour. Prepare yourselves.

TheGeminaii 05-Nov-19 12:59 AM

@everyone ADD Feuermoke (edited)
The new alt

TheGeminaii 05-Nov-19 01:48 AM

@everyone Actually, add MainElement
new better account

TheGeminaii 05-Nov-19 03:38 AM

@everyone Drop is happening right now

TheGeminaii 05-Nov-19 05:56 PM

@everyone If you made a donation that never got paid back, or an order that was never delivered, DM me

TheGeminaii 06-Nov-19 12:06 AM

aobscanmodule(FuncSigLP, Fallout76.exe, 48 8B 74 24 40 48 3B 74 24 30 8B 5C 24 48 41 0F 44 C6) aobscanmodule(FuncSigTP, Fallout76.exe, 0F 28 4C 24 60 0F 29 4F 50 0F 28 44 24 70 0F 29 47 60) [ENABLE] alloc(FuncPage, $1000) FuncPage: push rsi movaps [FuncPage+E0], xmm0 movaps [FuncPage+F0], xmm0 movss xmm0, [FuncPage+E4] cvttss2si esi, xmm0 add esi, 2 cvtsi2ss xmm0, esi movss [FuncPage+E4], xmm0 movss xmm0, [FuncPage+E8] cvttss2si esi, xmm0 add esi, 2 cvtsi2ss xmm0, esi movss [FuncPage+E8], xmm0 movaps xmm0, [FuncPage+F0] pop rsi movaps [rdi+70], xmm0 shl ebx, 06 movaps [rdi+B0], xmm6 jmp FuncSigLP+20 cmp [rbx+3C0], 02 jne FuncPage+7B movaps xmm1, [FuncPage+E0] jmp FuncPage+83 movaps xmm1, [rsp+80] movaps [rdi+70], xmm1 cmp qword ptr [rdi+38], 00 jmp FuncSigTP+23 FuncSigLP+12: jmp FuncPage FuncSigTP+12: jmp FuncPage+69 nop nop nop [DISABLE] FuncSigLP+12: movaps [rdi+70], xmm0 shl ebx, 06 movaps [rdi+B0], xmm6 FuncSigTP+12: movaps xmm1, [rsp+80] movaps [rdi+70], xmm1 cmp qword ptr [rdi+38], 00 dealloc(FuncPage)
@everyone OPK Script
Put into cheat engine
Use on alts to be safe

TheGeminaii 06-Nov-19 08:51 AM

@everyone No giveaway today, but we’re duping rn to give out tomorrow

TheGeminaii 07-Nov-19 03:34 AM

@everyone Add Masassing
Doing a giveaway of some plans
Good plans 🙂

TheGeminaii 07-Nov-19 09:50 PM

I will be on around 6PM PST today. I have massive plans for tonight. There most likely will be no giveaway, but thats because there won’t be enough time to give away what we’re duping (edited)
If you catch my drift 😉
Also, hello Market 76 😄 👋
@everyone Also, if you know anybody with Nuclear Winter items, please please PLEASE let me know

TheGeminaii 08-Nov-19 01:30 AM

Hey guys, we’ve decided to open up a donations page, so if you would like to support our hard work it would be VERY appreciated! It also comes with benefits, like having your order skipped to the front of the que, having any amount of item you want duped for you, etc. You just become a VIP! Of course it’s not required and we won’t lock anything behind a paywall, like some devs do 😉 , but it would be awesome to show us some support! @everyone (edited)
maxrockroad’s official website powered by Streamlabs

TheGeminaii 08-Nov-19 06:47 AM

@everyone anybody down to dupe rn?

TheGeminaii 08-Nov-19 05:39 PM

Hey everybody
Sorry I haven’t been handing out items or doing giveaways recently
As of right now we are focused on duping and buildin inventory
Tonight i will resume fulfilling orders, and will do another giveaway

TheGeminaii 08-Nov-19 11:50 PM

I’m honestly quite flattered
Somebody took the time out of their day to create a tracking tool for this server
Which allows them to view and moniter us without being in the server
Whoever you are, just make yourself known! I welcome all walks of life! 😄

TheGeminaii 09-Nov-19 12:04 AM

Ohh wait…. I already know who made it!
Violet-Vibes has 3 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Xis-Ytneves has 10 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.

TheGeminaii 09-Nov-19 12:40 AM

@everyone We just hit 100 members! I think there will be some… celebrations tonight 😉

TheGeminaii 10-Nov-19 02:35 AM

@everyone Giveaway tonight, it would have been earlier today but my internet is constantly cutting out (edited)
Sorry for such the long weight
I have like 4-5 characters completely maxxed out with stuff so it will be good!
Also I’ve heard some of you are worried or concerned that items you donated haven’t been copied and returned, if you fall into that category DM me so I can put you first in que

TheGeminaii 10-Nov-19 03:07 AM

Also we’re getting rid of the orders section to make it a bit more streamlined
Just DM me what you want after looking into my inventory during a giveaway
The order section has gotten too long and complex for a three person team to handle lol

TheGeminaii 10-Nov-19 03:14 AM

And TBF-BodyFarmer (edited)

TheGeminaii 10-Nov-19 03:23 AM

@everyone Giveaway starting right now

TheGeminaii 10-Nov-19 03:46 AM

2-3 items each for now

TheGeminaii 10-Nov-19 06:01 AM

@everyone Giveaway is over, hope you all enjoy your new items! 😄