Category Archives: Market 76 Spotted Trolls

SinisterHands Friend – SuperMutant aka Dawnsie aka dawns_elegy aka odawn- aka -zeugi

As you can see from these screenshots of the troll discord ‘hideout’ of whatever the hell this losers real original name is, this is one of SinisterHands good friends. Of course. This one has his own discord – not many friends – but I do have a list of all the people that were there…

As you can see, yup, there’s our creepy SinisterHand Again!

SuperMutant has been causing us problems almost as long as that loser has – let’s see how many videos we have of him already uploaded – later we’ll go see if we missed any, and upload those, too. This one has a bunch of accounts, and should just be IP-Banned entirely. This is an evil, evil person. Who won’t ever stop.

Let’s see, we have May 23, 2019 here:

YouTube player

We have SuperMutant AND SinisterHand here from April 28, 2019:

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We have more of their trash here from July 10, 2019:

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And last but not least, we come to tonight’s little crew of stalkers:

YouTube player

Let’s see, we also have more of that~ same stalker griefer crew – looks like we have andy2angry123, blinkkd, thegeminaii, -zeugi (which is the current name for dawns_elegy), all of whom are of course not stalking and harassing me, yet again. Even though I have them blocked.

Careful with these ones – do not PVP – some of them cheat and exploit the system. Absolutely blinkkd has stolen dev room items as well. Probably most of them have duped god-tier weapons, if I had to guess.

Pacifist mode protects you from loser cheaters like this – if you don’t want to PVP, you don’t have to. As long as you don’t have one of those mutations like Unstable isotope – These cheaters will just attack people nonstop until that procs, then use that to force PVP – as explained in the video. Don’t let these loser griefers decide other people can’t play the game, and don’t let ANY loser griefers like these keep you down. Record. Report. Move on.

If they stalk you like they do to me – keep it up – don’t give up. I’m sorry, but there ARE bad people out there. It’s up to us to stop them.

Please consider sharing this page if you think I should be able to hang out in my own shop without constant harassment.

Also, don’t forget the cause of most our whole communities problems – this creepy Sinisterhand – who apparently takes offense to none of us wanting to play with him.

Frogow telling me to kill myself

My, be careful with that poisonous mouth of yours child – that kind of talk is against Terms of Service on many platforms, including Discord and Bethesda – and we all know you hang out in Market76 Discord and we know frogow is your in-game and discord name.

Let’s all remember just this one blast from the past with these stalker griefer trolls from July 10th of this year:

YouTube player

UPDATE: So, we have now, this extra thing added in my comments:

Look. I really don’t have time for any more of your nonsense, okay – and you’ve been stalking and harassing my entire community. So, whatever – websites log IP addresses – I’ll give those to law enforcement, if I have to. Otherwise – stop stalking me.

Kindly remember, you poor deluded, misled child – that you HAVE been stalking and harassing all of my community, and me, for a very long time. No matter how much you want to lie, or your friends lie – we know this. We have proof of this. We have videos of you harassing. We have you on voice chat. We have your friends on voice chat. It lights up when you speak. Your IP is easily find-able by Bethesda – and we HAVE reported you. I’ll add my IP’s to theirs, maybe they can confirm who said what. You don’t have  a leg to stand on. Get a lawyer. Otherwise shut the fuck up, and stop stalking me. More Videos to come.

Don’t judge him TOO hard – he’s just a child, and he’s been influenced by that creepy SinisterHand Youtuber.

More of the stalker griefers – rincewind75 and fusionjka

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Rincewind75 and fusionjka both seem to think I’m stupid – they had their mics on while I was doing an event – and were talking about nuking my camp which I heard from my other client, as well as wasted a crapload of ammo shooting at me through my damned window.

They mentioned something about ‘ not slandering people’? At the 6 minute mark? Oh HO! But they’re not related to the other griefers? Which loser was it who said that? You messed up. Evil people are often stupid and have big mouths. (Update: Oh, they’re more Market76 Trolls)

Easy enough to find – so, near the end where they (of course) proclaim innocence – from that we immediately know this was all a lie and a ploy to harass me.

So these ones are obviously evil trolls, so fuck them – that’s the instant I knew for sure, although I was about 80% before that.

GEE – looks like more fucking stalker trolls – which asshole loser is it this time that lied to you and told you I slandered them? Was it a racist one, or was it a homophobic one? And you fell for it – which makes you stupid as well as evil.

Anyways – since you believe that losers lies – and you came to harass me – you’re obviously pieces of shit. Blocked – added to the website – sent to our community – hoping private servers come and let just block all these stupid losers once and for all, forever. Go be toxic shitheads elsewhere far away from me, I will pay money to block these shithead stalkers, Bethesda.

While I was uploading this video – the stupid, lying loser trolls server hopped until they found me, to launch a nuke at me. Like, duh – I’m just going to switch servers again to get away from you stalker troll freaks.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed wasting the ammo – but I bet you cheated your way through the silo – Beth should REALLY keep an eye on these two – seems like there’s been two instance they COULD be cheating – perhaps a pvp bug – and perhaps exploiting their way through a silo too with that bug. They do seem like cheaters as well as liars. Bethesda? Can you look into this? Seemed AWFULLY quick to be launching a nuke at me without cheating.

So is this harassment yet? Sure feels like it. When liars send losers after me and I can’t do an event in peace without shitheads causing problems at home.

UPDATE: Found these two on Market76 – Of course. Adding info.

More Market76 Trolls and Griefers Found Here – Our Griefer Blacklist is here.