Category Archives: Market 76 Spotted Trolls

Andy2angry123 led rs-overboss_vurkrin to me to harass me. Again.

I assume andy2angry123 is angry because I recorded him earlier, so what he has decided to do is prove he’s not a creepy adult who has creepy stalker racist children stalking me by bringing creepy stalker children to stalk me – what in the fuck, andy2angry123 – this is the one who lets his daughter listen to his game while he leads racist child warriors – You can’t make this shit up, folks. Still.

Today I let rs-overboss_vurkrin speak – here’s what he had to say – but – do note – oh my, there’s andy2angry123 – an adult who should know better, with children – again – harassing people.

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Please consider sharing if it creeps you that yet again, an adult is hanging around with children and harassing people – like andy2angry123 obviously is – from the multiple videos now.

Why SOME of the Trolls Hate Me

Here’s why SOME of these stalkers hate me – these two friends of SinisterHand (see his page for samples, screenshots, discord logs) – I recorded this and reported them. These two lovely creeps hang around with Dawns Elegy and SinisterHand in their private creepy  griefer Discord Chatroom – Click the link for screenshots of who else is in there!

I wonder how many children they have invited into their lair – Discord needs to have logs – I mean, I have videos of them, and their child warriors – and I’ll be releasing every one of them.

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Since these two lovely stalker trolls then stalked me to my nice, happy discord – I have this information on them, as well – which is how I knew they were on Market 76 – and how I know they are on a griefer discord with SinisterHand and DawnsElegy

See? More stalker griefers absolutely sent by that toxic Youtuber – SinisterHand 

Who is oh so lovely:

Please consider sharing this page if you don’t think this is right.

Three hours of stalking and harassment by Trolls

Here’s a nice video. This video shows a typical day with these stalker freaks. This has happened multiple times. I have left servers. I block these freaks. I go to new servers. They split up since they’re a large group, they server hop, one finds me, all the rest join in, and then they harass me and my friends.

This is unacceptable – Bethesda  you need to release private servers, and there should be full control over who is allowed on your server, and you need to change your code so blocked people can never join a server you are on – there is a reason we are blocking these loser trolls, so let us have some peace.

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This is sometimes the only way we can play – if I go keep them busy so my friends can play.

This is unfair. We paid for the game, too.

Please consider sharing to help with this toxic troll problem Fallout 76 has. This is nothing short of evil. Send to Beth. Share – anything. This needs to be fixed.