Category Archives: earth_infant

Voices of Griefers – -Super_Mutant admits being Dawns_Elegy and admits to internet bullying.

Voices of Griefers – -Super_Mutant admits being Dawns_Elegy and admits to internet bullying.

-Super_Mutant admits being Dawns_Elegy and admits to internet bullying since July 26, 2019

hotwheely also continues to harass.

Griefers: hotwheely, RS-Overboss_vurkin, mememachine12, groundbabiesinc, Sooner_Chemical. -Super_Mutant, Dawns_elegy, odawn- (the last three are all confirmed to be accounts of the same griefer.)

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Voices of Griefers – earth_infant lies when it’s easily disproven in same 3 minute video.

earth_infant lies and tells someone I was responsible for a nuke that destroyed their base, when it was obviously rs-overboss_vurkrin who nuked it.

earth_infant lies and tells someone I am racist.

hotwheely lies and tells people I am racist.

I do agree with Wobba – these people are cowards.

Look, hotwheely is even too scared to PVP someone – he’s a coward, too.

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