Category Archives: Dawns Elegy

Voices of Griefers – Dawns_Elegy threatens to crash websites to record for his youtube channel

Voices of Griefers – Dawns_Elegy admits to hacking websites, and hotwheely tries to harass me of the server.

-Super_Mutant aka Dawns_elegy claims he will shut down my website in an hour.

Hacking is illegal. Don’t threaten me. I have logs. I have the logs of that day. Did any of you visit my web page that day? There’s logs. All websites know the IP address of all visitors. Were all of you 100% careful? Or were some of you stupid? Or were all of you stupid?

-Super_Mutant aka Dawns_elegy wants to use this harassment to post on his youtube channel to make money from their stalking harassment, and illegal threats of hacking my website.

hotwheely continues to try to stalk and harass me and my friends off servers.

-Super_Mutant aka Dawns_elegy suggests exploiting nuke mines to kill me.

Sooner_Chemical spams the voice chat with loud music to deny the whole area service.

They continually stalk me and my friends, even though we don’t PVP. I don’t want to talk to fucking evil little stalker trolls, and no one can make me.

Challenge? I don’t know what this maniac is talking about. I don’t PVP. I. Never. PVP. Kind of the whole point of this whole madness.

Some of you are trying to harass me into PVP because you are super toxic people who do not know how to take no for an answer.

You tried to start with constant harassment, but we walked away. Some of you didn’t want us to do that, and kept stalking us. For months. Remember, this video is from July 26, 2019.

Stop trying to harass me and my friends off the servers, like you did this day. You’re fucking maniacs, go away. I hope to hell we can block all of you toxic griefers from private servers. I will absolutely go through all of my old footage, to link you maniacs together, to make a blacklist, to share with everyone who needs it. You’re messed up, evil people.

Griefers: hotwheely, RS-Overboss_vurkin, mememachine12, groundbabiesinc, Sooner_Chemical. -Super_Mutant, Dawns_elegy, odawn- (the last three are all confirmed to be accounts of the same griefer.)

Others: Wobba ?

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VIDEO 2 – APRIL 2019 – SinisterHand Calling people Faggots, and using harassment to advertise for his Youtube Subs.

SinisterHand Calling people Faggots, and using harassment to advertise for his Youtube Subs.

He also very obviously uses his harassment of me and my community to advertise his youtube page.

Confirmed Griefers: SinisterHand, Dawns_Elegy, Frogow (the 12 year old boy)

Confirmed Good Guys: kenlyric, insurgi, Sunnie, Shannaniganns, Diestrin,

<SinisterHand> “He’s the one claiming I’m a psychopath, I’ll just make his claim true, why not?”

Confirmed Lies:

I never said that I got him banned, oh my god, how whacko is this guy? He posted porn, and got himself banned. Would affect anyones views. Can we see your proof, please? Cite your source, because we all know you lie, by now. Anyone can go on the Reddit Fallout Network Discord and search the logs to confirm this. Anyone. Unless the mods have deleted everythimg.

SinisterHand claims he didn’t grief my base? Ever? Like, rewind this video, what, 30 seconds? Oh don’t you worry, there’s more video coming, too.

Source to Dated Youtube Upload


thegeminaii and gang in Fallout76 – Stalking/Harassment Report to Bethesda – Sept 18, 2017

This group is stalking and harassing me non-stop, making me unable to play the game. They are also stalking and harassing my friends, and many other people in the Fallout 76 Community.

To those asking me ‘Why not just block?’ I did. We did. We all did. They’re abusing the broken ‘block’ system in Fallout 76 to stalk and harass many people, not just me.

Reporting all of these players for continued stalking and harassment – the video above is ONE NIGHT of harassment – Sept 17, 2019:

thegeminaii – Stalking, Harassment
rs-overboss_vurkrin – Stalking, Harassment
Elundis7 (frogow alt) – Stalking, Harassment, Spamming Voice Chat with Loud music (Audio Denial Of Service Attack)
purplepootis – Stalking, Harassment, Spamming Voice Chat with Loud Music (Audio Denial Of Service Attack)
SinisterHand – Stalking, Harassment
Andy2Angry12 – Stalking, Harassment
Juaco_n – Stalking, Harassment
ben_shapiro567 – Stalking, Harassment
dishonesti – Stalking, Harassment

Generally these unpleasant toxic evil trolls stick together – as good people want nothing to do with them. There they spread their evil, and try to pretend it’s normal among themselves. Once one of these stalkers sees you, they call in the rest of their stalker squad of toxic trolls to destroy your ability to play the game. This is what they do. All the time.

To those who want more information on this group and other groups of Griefers in Fallout, information is kept here and updated:

I will be uploading more video soon!

Please consider sharing this page, video, anything – just pass it on, I need help!

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