Author Archives: sinseer

Reposted from My Youtube Channel

This was originally posted on my youtube community tab, feel free to give it a thumbs up or leave a comment there!

Sorry, but I just didn’t think my sexuality or even gender was really anyone else’s business! Super sorry if you felt I misled you, but yes… I’m transgender, and yes, I’m transitioning! My friends in my discord have known for a while that I finally started… yes, even at my age, clowns can change…. hopefully. I need to focus on THAT, and not be faced with the hatred of the Fallout 76 community…. I’ve met some great people during this time, but this is just too much for one clown to bear! Two YEARS of harassment and doxxing and lies spread about me.

I don’t generally care about the pronouns, I mean, you can tell when people make honest mistakes and when people are doing things to be mean, and frankly, I’ve always looked like a boy-clown, and had a boy-clown voice! Everyone calls me he, so it’s fine! If you ask me what I’d prefer nowadays though, it’d be she…

And yeah, I’ve also been naked on the internet, there’s pictures! It was more than 20 years ago, and that doesn’t bother me much either, hope you enjoyed the pics, a LOT of people seemed to back then :)

Going to be kind of strange doing the before and after on those pics though….

Here’s how I was treated Xmas Day – THIS is harassment:

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Love, Always,

Apex Legends Games

Here’s all my games of Apex Legends so far, for the rest I’ll just add them in blog form, including one more coming tonight! Hope you enjoy them! Wow, there’s actually more than I thought… past-me has died a lot…

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Love, Always,
