Jacob Doolittle-Sightler and Kelley Cardell – Facebook Accounts of Kiwifarms Users

Jacob Doolittle-Sightler and Kelley Cardell have both been working together to harass me for a very long time. It all started in a video game, Fallout 76 – where Nekrosias – aka Jacob Doolittle-Sightler, started compiling doxing information on me, like my home address, and real name, and names of my family, and things like that, and started sharing it with people in Fallout 76 – while trying to convince people I was a racist and a pedophile who should be targeted for online harassment. He then started handing out this personal information to anyone he could. I have videos of all that, see the previous posts if you’d like to see them.

They were very proud of that fact – that they got so many people to hate me, so they came to mock me (and expose their facebook account to me), on my business webpage for Facebook – which is a public webpage – they posted their own real names on it. See previous posts about these two freaks, if you’d like.

Some Samples of Jacob Doolittle-Sightlers Voice from his videos:

Video 1

Video 2 Has both Jacob Doolittle-Sightler’s Voice and also Kelley Cardell’s Voice – as well as other dupers and stalkers from Fallout 76 – many of whom helped to spread my home address in the game. I just made a full copy of that video to clip up, in case he ever takes it down.

Screenshot here shows them glorifying two of the youtubers who harassed me – they idolize these people – Lorespade and SH Games both asked their followers to harass me, using their youtube channels. SH Games was later outed as a child groomer, abusing some poor Fallout 76 girl, by other people, so he’s not a problem anymore.

The video also mentions that NukaColaRiley ‘re-branded’ to MrsNekrosias, and it seems like they’re hosting another Fallout 76 doxer and one of the inventory theft hackers – bodega? If so, they directly doxed me – they put my home address in public chatrooms, youtube, anything they could do.

He almost mentions the clan CMT – a duper group who also spread my personal information in Fallout 76. He is friends with their leader, and wanted to have them on his ‘show’ – which doesn’t seem to have gotten anywhere since.

Jacob Doolittle-Sightler aka Nekrosias Facebook Account:

Jacob Doolittle-Sightler aka Nekrosias Youtube Channel

Kelley Cardell aka MrsNekrosias aka NukaColaRiley Facebook Account:

Oh. I’m actually truly sorry about that – but you seem like a horrible, toxic person who wants others to be hurt in real life – so I guess…. Karma?

I’m guessing this is the ‘schizo husband’ she mentioned on kiwifarms…

Looks like she got married, so it became Kelley Cantrell, at that time – I wonder if she kept her husbands name or switched back to her Maiden Name, Kelley Cardell – she does seem to use her facebook page with her maiden name after this date.

Here’s some more recent pics of Kelley Cardell aka MrsNekrosias from kiwifarms:

Such a pretty girl – I guess hate and transphobia doesn’t show in pictures, sometimes.

Here, let me show you instead – this is just the most recent sample of transphobic hate posted by Jacob Doolittle-Sightler and Kelley Cardell on the hate site dedicated to harassing transgender people:

Oh, and here’s their public baby shower registry:

From that page, it looks like she MAY have kept her husbands name, then? So Kelley Cantrell? The ‘schizo ex-husband’ she mentioned on kiwifarms? But she still uses her maiden name on facebook.

Anyways, this harassment campaign has gone on for more than 2 years now, so I’m collecting all public information about Jacob Doolittle-Sightler and Kelley Cardell in case they manage to get the transphobic stalkers at kiwifarms or their nasty group of Fallout 76 players to swat my family, or come after us in some other ways, because of his lies.

This has all been public information – if you’d like to see some of the transphobic hate they’ve been spewing, I’ve been collecting that too!

Full listing of all Jacob Doolittle-Sightler aka Nekrosias Kiwifarms Posts

Full listing of all Kelley Cardell aka MrsNekrosias Kiwifarms Posts

Jacob Doolittle-Sightler and Kelley Cardell are completely horrible people who violate other peoples privacy by spreading their personal information, while making up the most evil of lies to try to get the internet to gang-stalk them, and get their family killed by swatting.

For more public info on either of these two, follow the category links at the bottom of this page.

Diane Alexander – techn0lady from Fallout76, TechLady on Kiwifarms

As you can see – public Twitter profile, public name, and a video that shows she plays Fallout 76. She doesn’t like being harassed for being trans, and yet she harasses other transgender people on a hate-site dedicated to doxing, stalking and swatting trans people. They keep a kill count. Now of COURSE this barely used twitter name could be fake, and all a setup… but it feels pretty real, I mean the account was created in 2010, she’d have no need to hide her name then, and she seems to have forgotten about it…

Searching Twitter for ‘techn0lady’:

Works for Uber:

From KiwiFarms:

In this post she claims to be techn0lady from Fallout 76. I didn’t want to enter her underground base, and she obviously knew me from reputation – she was calling me crazy. I don’t like underground bases – they often do contain traps, but basically I feel it’s cheating. These pathetic losers are hiding from the random encounters that most people have to face, by cheating to live underground with a ‘glitch’. So I just didn’t enter them… like ever.

She is also misgendering me, and dead naming me, simply because she thinks she is the gatekeeper of all that is trans, and is able to judge who is trans – because she doesn’t think I’m trans, she’s okay with doing to me what she doesn’t want other people to do to her.

I guess that was worth 2 years of harassment, and changing your name to get back at me – instead of talking with me a day later, like a regular human being, and discussing things. I’ve taken plenty of videos down – but nooooooo. Years of harassment, and you want to misgender because you don’t think I’m trans enough, now. Like I mean, come on. You’re transgender. How can you be like this?

Yes, Yes, I get it – you guys spreading my real name and information along with all these lies has really affected my life, and I’ll never be able to get a job, right – all thanks to your little group of toxic people in Fallout 76.

I really don’t get how you can be trans though and hate another trans person this much – willing to do so much – for that hatred. I haven’t misgendered you, nor stalked you for 2 years, nor do I use a right-wing hate site to continue harassment.

Here she is again claiming that I’m a ‘fake’ transgender – so that gives her and her friends the right to harass me, dox me, and eventually swat me – because we all know that’s what kiwifarm freaks end up doing to transgender people. Thanks so much.

Here she is admitting she knows what she is – a traitor, and a danger to all transgender people, really – I mean, you’re just going to deadname and misgender trans girls you don’t like, on a hate-site dedicated to harassing transgender girls, for ever now? You’re taking pleasure in what you would NEVER want others to do for you – such a hypocrite, I am not sure how you hold that in your head without  having a mental breakdown – or have you already, and that’s why you stalk and harass people?

Uh huh, we get it – you’re focused on looks, want to misgender me and deadname, and want to be insulting – hey, I’m not even a full year on hormones yet, I get it – but is this really because  you’re jealous of my transition – did your boobs not grow as much as mine did? I’m sorry about that, I don’t control the boobs, but maybe if you’re weren’t such a toxic, hate-filled person, karma would have given  you boobs too.

Guess who just deleted the media from their twitter account, and changed their name – they hadn’t tweeted since May. Gee, I wonder why… and I was JUST trying to re-tweet it, that’s a shame.

Thanks for the confirmation that that’s your account though… you guys are SUPER helpful sometimes, Diane Alexander, I really do hope the transgender hating freaks at kiwifarms don’t screw you in the future, but you’re kind of an idiot, I think they probably will. You’re so… evil, and yet stupid, easily manipulated, and a trans person – which they absolutely hate.

A quick post, the owner of kiwifarms posted a manifesto about this whole thing – but even the owner of kiwifarms knows his users are swatting and doing other criminal acts. He tells his users to ‘stop’ doing it – he knows they’ve been swatting people. This is the place you put my information on – some real, but a LOT of lies.

The toxic community of Fallout 76 basically ruined my real life – over a video game. There’s some really, really nasty, messed up people in that game. I would never recommend anyone play it. If you do, make sure to keep your voice chat off – but you’ll still see racist and transphobic stuff in various camps around the game. Sorry about that. It’s a thing. A gross thing, but a thing. I tried to report some of them! But fuck that game, and fuck the transphobic racists infesting it!

Here’s Diane Alexander inciting the other kiwifarms users to report me for ‘fraud’ because they think I make income from my websites. Trust me, I report all income – it’s not very much, so yeah, I’m on disability – because I can’t work. I’m disabled. Stop targeting me, you fucking psychopaths – If I am falsely reported for fraud, I will absolutely be giving them  your name, Diane Alexander.

What a sick little psycho, right? My gods. Seriously. Diane Alexander is on a hate site dedicated to harassing transgender people, and asking them to falsely report me, based on a suspicion she has – she also has a suspicion I’m not trans, so thinks that makes it okay to misgender me, stalk me, and harass me – and post about me on kiwifarms.

Diane Alexander is one of the most messed up, toxic, evil transgender people I’ve ever met – No one should feel safe with this liar around, she will throw you to the wolves if she thinks she’ll get the approval of transphobes. Sickening.

Kiwifarms is a dangerous website – and people that use it are all very toxic. I’ve already been in contact with the police, and since Diane Alexander is trying to harass me in real life by causing false reports with disability, I will be giving Diane Alexander’s name, and all Fallout 76 information (username, video), the twitter account, and everything else directly to the police as a specific threat to my safety and well-being. She’s trying to take away what little money I have – I live under the poverty line, disability is NOTHING – but she wants to try to take even that away from me – all because of one day in a stupid video game.

How completely and utterly evil.




Shining Eternity aka ShiningHero Fallout 76 Kiwifarms Harasser

That video that Shining Eternity, the youtuber, aka ShiningHero in Fallout 76, aka Shining at Kiwifarms? It was a simple mistake, and I later apologized for it, but he’s been trying to convince people I’m transphobic for YEARS because of it. I have a problem with my hearing, I mean I’m so old – come on. I can’t make out voices properly sometimes, and even the owner says they were having a bad day. Good lord you people are sick.

Anyway, here’s the  owner of that voice, they posted on kiwifarms in an attempt to harass me,  so before I make a whole article about them I figured I’d just like to point out that the older transgender lady I was addressing listened to the video of her own voice, and was having a bad voice day…. and cringed. So because of a mistake anyone could have made… you try to sic other transphobes on me – any excuse you can use, right Shining Eternity?

Think I’ll make her a new video, clip her out of that long boring one into something manageable, and add some of these kiwifarms harassment quotes, but here’s the first!

Woops I guess my simple mistake was worth you guys trying to prove I’m ‘transphobic’ and ‘not even transgender’ for several years, and supporting the doxing and harassment of transgender people on kiwifarms.

You people are pathetic. The two transgender girls who think it’s okay to misgender and dead name because THEY don’t think I’m trans? You’re the height of evil, and snobbery, and what gives you the right to make that call, you know nothing about me. You’re transphobic quisling transgender traitors, at this point.

I see you were both stupid enough to leave the transgender-hating people at kiwifarms lots of info about yourselves – that does not seem to wise to me, with how many transgender people they dox, threaten, stalk and swat – but what do I know.