Life of SinSeer – Beta Days – The How we Feel about Michael One (episode 19) – Nov 2018

Don’t worry the load screen goes away, but come on, that is beautiful singing! We also discovered the Savage Divide, and hung out on the monorail – I… may have caught the swamp itch somewhere, not too sure where. We found Morgantown Station! See? I told you – even back then, I knew – this was my intelligent, crafter character – the real killers would come later. And the real killer DID come later.

May be a little gossip from and about Reddit Fallout Network Moderators on this one – some… personal feelings people had… remember, they all knew they were on stream, and this footage is almost a year old.

“Is there a chance the track could fail?”
“Take my pen knife, my good man!”
“Does that guy have a fucking clown suit for sale, by any chance?”
(and way too many other Simpsons references in general!)

Seen: tackeart (RFN), menormal (RFN)

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