Interestingly, Websites have Logs

Interesting enough, all websites nowadays  have logs – You kiwifarms freaks are kind of correct, I get very little traffic to my blog! I kind of keep an eye on the logs though, and it looks like just before you kiwifarms people discovered my blog, celullar customers from AT&T and Verizon both visited – I have of course saved all IP and header information for authorities, if it will be needed, I hope not!

This blog is more about search engines, for the future! I’m not real popular, toxic people sure made sure of that, with their constant lies about me!

Wow – most people with opsec would use a VPN though – this will be information that police absolutely can use to find the identity of people who harass or harm me in the future, thanks!

Imagine using your cell phone to look up stuff while posting on a right-wing harassment site dedicated to harassing transgender people off the internet, or getting them hurt or killed.