FALLOUT 76: INSIDE THE VAULT – OCTOBER 2020 UPDATES (Re-Print from Bethesda)

This week, we’re sharing information about Shelters play testing in the Public Test Server, which begins later today. We’ve got a new Double S.C.O.R.E. event starting today, and a reminder to submit spooky screenshots to Around Appalachia. Read on to catch all the details.


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We’re excited to announce that our upcoming C.A.M.P. Shelters feature is going to be available for play testing in the Public Test Server (PTS) starting a little later today, October 1! We briefly touched on Shelters last week, and we’re going to dive into even more information below. Before we do, we’d like to discuss our current top priority for play testing at the start of the PTS.

From October 1 – 4, we’d love to see as many of you as possible join us in Shelters play testing in the PTS. Shelters will remain available for the entire duration of the PTS, but having everyone focus on them over a single weekend will help us keep a close eye on performance while lots of players are building at once. Using that data, we will be able to implement any needed performance improvements prior to release. If you own a PC copy of Fallout 76 via Bethesda.net, please join us in the Test Server to build and rebuild as much as you can in Shelters this weekend. You’ll even be able to earn a new PTS Pennant for your efforts, and you will have the chance to get your Shelters screenshots featured on our social media channels (more on this in a moment.)


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Show the Mole Miners how it’s really done with C.A.M.P. Shelters, which will allow you to head underground into instanced spaces that you can transform into your own unique creations. Shelters are currently planned to arrive in the live game near the end of this year, and we will be launching with three different types: the “Vault Utility Room,” the “Vault Lobby,” and the “Vault Atrium.” Each has its own layout, style, and size, and all three will be available for play testing in the PTS.

To access a Shelter, simply build the associated Shelter Entrance in your C.A.M.P. and then head inside. Since they are instanced, each Shelter will have its own build budget that’s separate from your main C.A.M.P. as well as any other Shelters you own. You can have one Shelter of each type in your C.A.M.P. at any given time, and you can build multiple entrances to the same Shelter, if you’d like. We’ve also removed material requirements in the PTS so that you can build in your Shelters without needing to hunt down tons of components.


Once we add Shelters to the live game, all players will be able to freely unlock the “Vault Utility Room” by completing a very brief quest, called “Home Expansion.” The “Vault Lobby” will initially be one of our monthly free items for Fallout 1st members. After that, all players will be able to buy the Lobby using Atoms in the Atomic Shop. The largest of our first three Shelters, the “Vault Atrium,” will be available for Atom purchase immediately on patch day. In the PTS, we’ve disabled the “Home Expansion” quest so that you don’t need to unlock anything, and play testers will have access to all three Shelters right away.


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There are so many imaginative builders in the Fallout 76 community, and we can’t wait to see all the crafty creations you come up with for Shelters in the PTS! Snap a few photos once you’ve perfected your masterpiece this weekend, and then share your screenshots with us in the PTS forum through October 4. We’ll admire all of your submissions and select a few of our favorites to feature on our social media channels for all the world to see.


Even if your photo submissions aren’t selected, you can still pick up a new PTS Pennant reward for your C.A.M.P. in the live game by taking part in Shelters play testing. You can earn your Pennant by building in Shelters on at least three (3) different days, and using 75% or more of a Shelter’s build budget before the PTS concludes. Like last time, we will add the new Pennant to your account shortly after we release the Steel Dawn Update.

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Even though we’re initially prioritizing performance testing, your Shelters feedback and bug reports are still important to us. Please feel free to share your experiences in the PTS forum so that we can get a head start on addressing bugs and community feedback. As mentioned last week, Shelters will be the only new content in the PTS at first, though you may encounter a few new NPCs with “Robovoice.” Of course, we’d also love to hear what you think about our upcoming Steel Dawn quests, and we’re planning to add them to the PTS later this month so that you can check them out.


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You joined Armor Ace and the Power Patrol in their march against the Subjugator a few weeks ago, and now it’s time to bring in some reinforcements! Call in a cavalry of rewards as you rank up twice as quickly this weekend with our first Double S.C.O.R.E. event of Season 2. Over the next few days, you’ll receive double the normal S.C.O.R.E. rewards from each Daily Challenge you complete, so that you can keep up the battle for liberty. Catch the event dates and times below.

  • Event Start: 12:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, October 1
  • Event End: 12:00 p.m. ET on Monday, October 5


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Even if you can’t take part in the PTS to share Shelters screenshots with us, you can still find your way onto the front page of Fallout.com by submitting photos for Around Appalachia. Last month, we asked you to send in your best snaps of cryptids, and you can check out some of our favorites by clicking here. We’re heading into the spookiest time of year, and this month we’re challenging you to share your most creative Halloween Costumes with us.

Submit your costume pics to this thread in the Fallout 76 forums by October 26, and we will select a few creepy candidates to feature in the next edition of Around Appalachia.
