Anon14 – Making Me a Story, Just for Me, Oh Boy!

A long time ago, I posted a tweet, which probably looked pretty crazy. It was kind of designed that way – I asked for help.

You all already know I’m crazy, so I sent it, and I sat back to wait. I knew one of you toxic psychopathic stalkers would build me a fun story. This is the logs of that fun story. Crafted just for me!!!

Discord Userid: 546362174075830286

Message IDS:

659968457466445835 – Link to image above





Thought I’d get in contact more directly. I may be slow to respond. I’m always very busy.
What I am about to tell you cannot be repeated. Nor used in any reference or anything. If it is, I will have to cease assistance and decline ant future aid.
Let’s just say geminii broke a VERY strict code amongst a community. And he has to pay for that. I’ve never been your enemy and never will be. I’ve never been an enemy of the public and never will be. But rather a leader of an organization.

While I am amused by this, I am also exhausted – by joining this discord you already exposed yourself a little – I won’t post anything you ask me not to post, but I’d also have to verify things – but joining did show you as a new member and people do watch that

Being the leader of said organization brings certain… Perks.. and allows me to know all that goes on within Bethesda as well as all hacking communities.
That’s fine. They only see my name. Nothing more.
Previously identified as a false identity
Account made for this.

that’s fine then – i don’t attempt to track down sources of information that aren’t trying to harass me – but i do have to check things

All good. I understand. You have been harassed quiet a bit and I know that.

and i do warn you, i have had very little sleep, and i could pass out at any time – so if i trail off, i’ll get back to you

All good. I just will be very slow to respond as I don’t use this discord (what a surprise) lol

i do appreciate all help given to me – this is a little ridiculous

Anyways, let me first give you a little something that will aid you. Standby. Will swap accounts to pull stuff.

Hope you’re still awake
Now this info CANNOT be posted anywhere. Or I will have to cut off aid.
You cannot reference it. Quote it, etc. BUT… You can use it with the police if need be.

well i assume police also means authorized law enforcement like fbi – and if i get more information from another, provable source without using anything you’d give me – i’d post that. however, no, i won’t post anything without other links to it from other sources that are provable in other ways – best i can do.

Indeed. Any formal LEO agency.

then yes – a lot of my stuff has to go directly to them, although there’s not a lot to give them yet – i give them what i can

Merry belated Christmas
From geminii himself.
Let’s just say that not all in the hacker community are bad people. Some of them are good people who just like to play with games and see what they can do.
Think of it as a challenging chess game. They just want to see if they can beat the computer.

hmmm – well i don’t have much of a life to ruin – the information does help me to give info – but without discord message id’s to back it up, the screenshots will only help me personally – but i do appreciate that – and i agree- some hackers are absolutely good. they’ll do good things. and i appreciate all help i can get

I’m sorry the discord ID has been deleted. It was actually because we got his discord banned lol

yeah – i do have logs of that discord – if the police contact discord on my behalf though, it still may help – thank you

You’re welcome. Sorry I cannot provide more yet. But as I see your progress I will post all relevant information.
In time you’ll get to know what I’m out to do and why I’m helping and who I am. It is not yet important. But you’ll be surprised that you had an ally all along.

i do appreciate it – absolutely – everything i can do to stop these people. they’ve went too far for me when they started doxxing other people than me – i don’t care – let them kill me, that’s the worst that could happen. they shouldn’t hurt other people.

Trolling us one thing. Everyone gets trolled in games. It’s the internet. But they went too fsr
Upon that, you gained an ally.

any help at all – especially from unexpected sources – is extremely appreciated – thank you so much – there is no way i can stop this alone

I’ll do what I can to aid. I’ve always stood by amongst all hacker communities as a sort of grandfather of sorts.
A figure head if you will
I hold title but no real power. I dictate what happens in a lot of it.
And if I see something I don’t like I give a warning. If it does not get fixed. I find a way.
You’ll probably find it funny to know we’ve actually bumped into each other once in game. Due to me having so many people added in the piss poor community. Have to keep tabs on everyone.
You’ve heard a LOT about me. And things to do with me. And I can’t wait to see how you react when you find out I’ve been trying to help ever since they went too far.
I’m hoping we can restore some sanity to your life.
Anyways, I’ll be in contact. If you have questions or need verification of information feel free to message me and if I have it I will respond when I check this

i will – thank you – i’m interested to know more – but i have had bad sleeping problems this week – holidays are not good for me, and this added stuff on top is not helping – i am digesting all you’ve said so far
December 29, 2019

Hello, I have checked in, I see they’re upping their game on you. Currently I don’t have much that will help with that, but might I suggest perhaps acting as though you quit youtube and maybe make another channel?
Create a new identity for the time being? New IGN’s, new Youtube, twitter, etc. OR go dark for just long enough that they will ignore you and perhaps move on?


Sorry, am just trying to help as quickly as possible. Your current situation cannot be merely fixed easily though. Avoidance is sometimes a good method.
If you can make them think you give up, they’ll worry less and get sloppy in what they do
Then you can continue to collect information and report it without them knowing.

no. i’m sorry, that’s a ridiculous suggestion.
that’s giving up.

Not according to USMC counter intelligence.
Making people think they won is simply setting a trap.

i have other traps

I am just offering solutions based upon how standard us counterintelligence operations are conducted.

i don’t know who you are, or are pretending to be – here’s what i do know – i’m not giving what i HAVE been able to build – as people are starting to believe me now.

I cannot divulge who I am. I understand your skepticism. And you’re not giving up. Just making them think you did.

Do you think i’m crazy enough to listen to random voices on discord? seriously.
So.. you obviously don’t know me well, not someone from my past.

If you cannot take assistance from someone who has had a career based on information gathering and programming I don’t know who you can take it from. I am merely trying to assist you is all and offering the easiest and quickest resolutions to a problem you cannot shake

look – it’s easy to say things, you need to prove them.

I know more than you think John.

everyone knows my name.
that’s the whole point.

I know all about the food orders
People who sold your info
I know all of it
Pizza’s with no sauce. I know of it

you’re… now making no sense. who are you?
this is ridiculous, lol

Perhaps you don’t know of it yet yourself.
That’s okay.
If you don’t want help, that’s fine. You asked for assistance a while back from a specific group
And you have received it

this group doesn’t exist
it never did
it was always just people
one by one
‘show me your power’
is the only real truth. i have no idea who you are. i can make the same claims – and who is to say i haven’t, in the past.
you guys all seem to think i have no experience in certain things too – heh.

All I am saying is you requested help a while ago. You have received it. If you choose not to have it and use it, that’s your prerogative. I have tons more of “cases” I can be helping with. I just don’t think you quiet understand the workings of tor users
Again, if you don’t want help just say so. You’ll never hear from us again.

i understand exactly what tor is, and i know how dangerous the exit relays are – and i don’t use tor, myself – it’s an insecure network developed by the government, yes.
i want to see something that makes this change from a semi entertaining story to something i can verify :wink:

But you are in no position to question who we are. We are offering you free assistance and resolutions.

if you were really with anyone official, you’d already have access to things i need, and be able to start things on a more official method. none of this cloak and dagger stufff. this is a game to you, and i did create the game by making you think i’d accept the help by making the request, i get that.
i’m not as crazy as y’all like to think.
if you don’t wan to help – don’t – if you have something i can use that’s verifiable – i’ll look into it – i’m not taking suggestions to remove myself from the internet.

I am not with anyone official. We are a group. You asked for us specifically.
December 24th was the last request I saw.

the real truth about that group is that anyone can claim to be it, and everyone has their own agenda, and i met at least … hmmm, what was it… 15? 16? different groups claiming to be anonymous, each with their own private irc servers, and what they thought was hidden proxy networks….
and i wanted to see which among you would believe that i believed it was real.
that’s the real truth. sorry.

Okay. Your loss. You will not receive any further communications or assistance. Funny since we have been watching this all along as some of us play the game for fun.

because you’re playing with me – i get that – interesting story, well done.
did at least entertain me – but i did create it, didn’t i :wink:

Not all who hack are bad.