Today’s Fallout News – Patch 13 on Tuesday

Patch 13 is coming to Fallout 76 next Tuesday

Event Changes: Free fast travel; more information on map screen!

New public event changes:

Aside from free fast travel, we’re making a few additional changes to how Public Events actually work. First up, you will no longer drop your junk when you die during a Public Event in Adventure Mode. Instead, the respawn timer will increase each time you die until it reaches a max of 20 seconds.

Next, Public Events no longer start based on entering or fast traveling to the event area. Instead, a timer will start ticking down once a Public Event appears on the map. To kick off the event, you will need to perform an action, like turning on the boilers for Tea Time, or finding the Strangler Heart for Heart of the Swamp. You and your eventmates can use this time to group up and coordinate your plan of attack, or you can perform the required action to start the event early. If no one is in the event area when the timer expires, the event will shut down.

Finally, the majority of Public Events now share a single cooldown between the start of one and the beginning of the next. This means that only one* Public Event will be active at any given time, which will help players come together to focus their efforts on success during that event.


  • We are working on a second phase of event improvements that will include a performance-based reward system and enable you to loot legendary enemies during events without having to hit them before they die, but this is still further down the road.

Source: Inside the Vault